Thursday, February 14, 2013

(possible) structure changes

Today’s discussion about objectification was very interesting to me. When talking about Fanon’s train story and then the example Dr. J offered about being called a name at a party, I kept wondering what I really would do. Although we offered possible reactions in class, it is definitely different when you are actually in the situation. Speculation aside, we do not really know what we would say or do. However, I think if I were in the situation, I would freeze because I would be shocked and confused of how to proceed. But maybe reactions to the situation don’t matter as much as we think they do. We try to credit ourselves with being able to put ourselves in these situations but the truth is that unless we have been in them, we don’t know. More importantly, do our reactions or possible reactions make a difference? As we said in class, it is unlikely that one would change their opinion immediately when being told otherwise. It seems that consistent efforts should have influence but how can the oppressed carry enough influence to change the system? Dr. J mentioned Audrey Lorde and her text, “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House.” This essay fits in perfectly with the examples Fanon stirs up. Can the oppressed ever take down the system? A change in structure is needed, but is this possible? If the system works for the oppressors, they would have no reason or motivation to try to generate change. They are benefiting. How do the oppressed transcend their situation when they are not the creators of the structure? The oppressed must live within it every day but they do not have the power necessary to change the condition. In light of these views, it does not seem like circumstances will ever change. Thoughts? What is needed in order for this to not be true?

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